The doctor's visit today yielded this bit of news, that my wife is now 1 centimeter dilated. So, the process of labor has begun. We also went for a walk today - kinda our way of inducing the labor a little. It's not really a bad thing, being how the doctor said that if my wife didn't have the baby in two weeks, the labor would be induced anyway. I wished I could go to the appointments with her, but hearing from her is fine.
My wife gave me a haircut yesterday, and was feeling rather chipper about the excellent job she was doing. When she was done, I was definitely a foot shorter than when I started out. I never realized my nose was quite this big. And my glasses are huge as well, almost like my glasses wore my face, instead of the other way round. Short cropped hair doesn't really work for me, but I'll live. All the better to keep customers from asking me questions - which didn't work.
Wife is down with a cold, feeling a bit crap. Feeling really bad for her... Hope she gets better before the baby decides to boogie!