Thursday, September 11, 2003


I guess dotphoto's gotten fussy as well, so we're back to Imagestation. Probaby won't do too much in the way of noting every possible album, just maybe a post to direct people to new photos when they come up. I'll post the super cool ones on the page itself, so no worries!

So, click here to see some of the select photos from my camera and my brother's camera!

We went to the doctor's today for a follow-up checkup, and it seems like he's gaining some of his weight back. We're slightly concerned because he has jaudice, and I guess it's causing some yellow color to show up in his eyes and skin, and it has something to do with the liver or kidneys not being fully formed. It's not serious, and it's common in new babies, but still we're a little concerned about him.

We were mobbed at the doctor's office today, everyone wanting to see the baby. We also stopped by my Freddy's and everyone was gushing over the little guy.

By the way, we're now open house! Taking all visitors! Hopefully not tonight because I gotta finish the baby tokens sometime. But anyone and everyone is welcome to give us a call to visit us and see the baby! You can certainly hold him as well, but I'm going to make you wash your hands! Babies don't like germies. If you have a cold, take a raincheck! If you have an infant girl, sorry, no arranged marriages for our little Cassanova! Hee hee!

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