My first week back to work wasn't really too bad - took some readjusting to things I somewhat forgot. I suppose that's a true testament to whether or not the thing you do for a job means anything to you. If you forget about it, it's probably not that improvement in the grand scheme of things. But I digress.
My lovely wife has had a tougher time this week, because she would be the primary caretaker of the baby now, because she is very kind to let me sleep as long as I can. She wakes up and tends to his middle of the night needs, and then takes care of Alex all day until I come home. I spend some time with Alex, but then I would need to get to weddings or do my emails or whatever. So she's lost a lot of sleep, and is missing me terribly.
Alex certainly has changed the dynamic of the family a lot. My wife and I have a general feeling that JL is feeling really left out and ignored - seems like we're just telling her to do homework all the time now. It's not that we're trying to push her out of the picture, it's just that she's not doing homework on her own. She got a D in Math this past progress report and we're starting to be afraid that she'd do worse. Tonight she pulled a injury stunt that her cousins constantly pull on their mom, a rather devious but obvious (to us anyway) cry for attention. We pretty much ignored it, because it was her way of getting out of dishes and/or watching a R rated movie with us and Brendon and Maralise.
On the happier side of things, even though my wife and I had some time today, we went around doing errands and there was a noticeable change in our chemistry. The bond we had is slightly weaker, and we're taking a lot of playfulness and taken it rather personally, even though we used to do it all the time and be fine with it. Just feeling sensitive, and careful, and very aware of each other not speaking. Finally, when we got home, we took the chance that he was sleeping and we spend some time cuddling, joking around, and finally kicking each other's asses. So much that when Maralise popped over to buy some hash from us, we totally didn't know she came in. But that didn't stop us.
It's very difficult to wrestle with your wife when there's a friend in the room - you can't do the usual perverted things, so my wife and I were still at it, killing each other, but in a very PG-13 manner. She was annoying me by calling me a loser, so I spanked her ass hard a couple times, causing Maralise to cringe at my brutality. Not to fear, equality-minded readers, for my wife got me back royally by inadvertedly pushing my head with her weight into the wall, and giving me a mild concussion. Literally bounced my head off the wall. I took my revenge by lunging at her, and missing completely, giving myself the worse fabric burn on my right knee. That'll show her.