Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's a Wonderful Life

So my wife gets the credit for actually sitting me down and making me watch this Holiday Classic. It's not that I don't want to watch it - I knew it was good for two reasons - Frank Carpa, and Jimmy Stewart. But it's just one of those things that you know that you can put off indefinitely, because you know it's always going to be there, like Gone with the Wind, or some of the other classics.

But anyway, yes, I do like it, and yes, I was crying at the end, even though I actually know how it ends. But it was still a good movie, like these old classics tend to be, when they were written by screenwriters rather than clowns. Less on spectacle and more on story.

We've had a pretty good Christmas season so far, and one of the funner things we did was to give my wife's older daughter a used iMac, along with a digital camera that sucked a little. We're getting the camera thing taken care of, but they really like their computer. It's a notch better than the old iMac I used to have, but it's just right for them right now. It can do photos and music, and though it won't be current enough to run online goodies like trailers and whatnot, it'll do fine for what they need. It was nice to see that they were grateful and happy about their gift, and the grandkids loved their toy as well.

We went to Zoolights at the Point Defiance yesterday, and I forgot the most intregal part of night photography - my tripod. So I don't have many photos of it, just some. The trip was fine, even though the car trips were too long because of Christmas traffic, but I think the best part was the trip home, when the kids were in the back just having a ball with their grandma. I think the kids certainly enjoy my mom, and it was really nice to hear them playing back there.

Well, back to work for me. Lots to do, really behind.

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