Blame the lack of posts on my new camera.
I have yet to lose too many smiles to my new camera, which is really getting a lot of good photos of the kids doing their kid thing. Even yesterday, the two posed for me nicely while I snapped these two winners. They were at their absolute cuteness. Alex even did a little dance for me while posing, and said, "Thank you, Daddy" at the end of it. It was pretty darn awesome, I'll tell you that. I also like Zoe's sly smile, which is pretty rare in a lot of the photos. She's a playful little girl, but she mostly does her smiles and giggles while playing with someone, instead of just being wacky like her brother.
Over the weekend, we had some great family fun whereby the kids got to see new things, and I got to photograph them. We were given last minute tickets to the Mariners baseball game at Safeco Field, so Saturday night we were at the game. The kids were having fun at all the commotion that was going on, even if it wore them out to tears by the end of the game. But one of the fun memories from the game was when everyone cheered, and Zoe would gamely throw her hands up in the air and yell, "GOAL!"
And on Sunday, we went to the Bellevue Botanical Garden, and the kids got to run around while I wore my camera out with constant snapping. Alex saw a white butterfly and called it something - and it took me a few seconds to register that he was calling it a "Snowman Bee". So I told him it was a white butterfly, even though I really preferred that it be a Snowman Bee.
Ahh, lunch is over.