Monday, September 01, 2003

I've determined the secret behind coaxing him out. See, he's actually worried about us not being ready for him, and perhaps he's not so much a procrastinator like me, but maybe more of a worrier like his mom. So he wants to know that we're ready, before he's ready. So this is what I'm going to do. The things that I have sorta packed, like the videocamera and digital camera - those are going downstairs by the door. The bags with his first set of clothes will be downstairs as well. Alex's first CD will be ready to go as well, and maybe he'll be assured that we're ready for him. Yeah... that'll do it.

I've been a ball of stress lately, always listening to the overhead pages at Freddy's, and even though work hasn't been that stressful (today being an exception), there's been weddings hanging over my head since forever. I want to rid of that responsibility as fast as I can, so that I could do other things like blog everyday, build websites nobody visits, and call friends who have disowned me.

And... I'm eating paper. Candy had paper stuck to it.

So note this, Alex, from your computer terminal in the womb, that's we're ready for you, baby.

I thought of Alex in this context today - I would videotape him a bunch, then make him "act" and "rap" to "Bop Gun", by Ice Cube and George Clinton. Why? Because it would be hilarious.

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