This is what happens when I don't blog for a while - a bunch of stuff happens, and I have to play catchup like a madman. Well, here it goes.
Our little boy has thrush. What it looks like is formula on his tougue that won't wash off, some crusty white thing that's found a home in his mouth. What it is is some kind of bacterial thing that originated in the birth canal, basically a yeast infection in the mouth. My wife suspected something was up for a while, but after a few people commented on, "Oh, does he have thrush?", my wife took him in and indeedy, he does.
So the little guys receiving some oral medication for his ailment, something that's fruity flavored and very interesting to apply. Since he's too young to swish that stuff around in his mouth, we have to put it on our finger and rub it all over the inside of his mouth. This is usually like a 15 minute process, and he usually gets pretty worked up by the end of it. I mean, who wouldn't. The idea of someone's finger in my mouth isn't exactly my idea of good times...
The doctor's visit also yielded a weight measurement. He's now over 11.5 pounds now, and he can't bench half of that. Overall, he's doing well. He's able to follow me around with his eyes - developing an interest in the daddy. I encourage him to look at me by doing all sorts of odd physical movements that is supposed to be my version of dancing. He's also starting to smile once in a while - it's really cool when he does.