Damn Time Difference!
I was going to submit to the DPChallenge for "Touch", but I was completely blocked in terms of ideas, overwhelmed in terms of number of babies, and just plain making excuses up the Wazoo. Finally tonight, I did finally decide on an imagery, and my wife and I put a lot of effort into getting the photo taken with a dangerous diaperless boy to get that theme. We took a few shots, and about 4 of them were okay enough to submit. But when I logged on to double check, the contest had already ended in the East Coast, which meant it ended over here at 9 at night. My wife was bummed out for me because I had passed on last week's contest, and didn't want me missing another week. But oh well. Here's one of the pictures that I considered. The lighting is a little harsh, but I'm working on it. I need a workspace eventually for these kinds of hobbies.
Nothing exciting today, just work. Alex is feeling better.
"Please don't make me run! I'm full of chocolate!"