Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Posting to Appease Dansen

I know, I really owe it to the sparse audience out there to post something. Seems like Life has taken over my free time and is refusing to give it up without a fight. I still manage to find some free time here and there, but there's always something I have to do. In fact, I should be putting together the bathroom shelf right now, or wrapping presents, or even picking up the DVDs I dropped behind the desk last night. But I'm writing on the blog now, so there.

So $700 plus in advertising, and not one videography job. So now my focus will be on primarily paying back some bills, and catching up on some debt. Sounds boring, and in fact, it's really a frightening prospect, seeing myself fade back into the fog of the working stiff. I reckon one of these days I'll be sick of it all, quit my job, and make a movie after maxing out all possible credit cards, selling my plasma, and volunteering for university experiments.

The kids, though, are doing fantastic. They're making progress in their talking and some social skills. Alex is getting to the point whereby he can apologize without prompting, but at the same time he has learn to commit little acts of terror without so much as batting an eye. He would seem almost blase about pushing Zoe off a spot he wants to sit at. Zoe, of course, would tattle on him by crying and shooting me a sad look. Then I'd have to swoop in and have Alex apologize, the whole bit.

Zoe is stringing words like App-Ple-Juice and Whereareyou, and even "Please" when she really wants something. It's incredible how much they've progressed.

Hmm. Now I just remembered why I haven't written for a while.

More later.

Comments: says... applease! im gunna have to start that! rocking!!

i heard advertising is like shooting in the dark while tied upside down in water.. its hard to hit the mark.. goodluck!!
When you decide to make that movie let me know, I just got a Sony HVR-Z1U hdv cam, and am putting together the rest of the equipment. And I would be glad to get out of Alaska and help you out.

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