I thought I had a moment just now to type something into the long-ignored blog, but the little guy just woke up and right now he's nestled on my chest while I attempt to crank up some news.
This weekend has been a little rough on us - when my wife and I get tired, we become oversensitive balls of insecurity and take everything too personally. Well, the little guy decided to wake me up early yesterday, and my sleep deprivation brought out the monster in me. Today's been a better day, and I'm just generally having fun with the little guy. Getting more than 4 hours of sleep can do wonders with one's patience.
Alex is growing out of his newborn clothes, and it's a little sad that some of his cute clothes don't fit him anymore. He has bigger cute clothes, but it's definitely a little sad to see it go.
Well, this has been me lately. Not very focused, not feeling very creative. Feeling a bit out of control with everything. Hmm. Anyway, there are new pictures on Imagestation. Sorry I'm not feeling all that vocal about anything.