Saturday, October 25, 2003

I'm Glad I'm Blind - Or I'd Be Exactly That Now.

A lotta stuff going on, but this is actually something interesting enough to warrant an entry. All my life, I've hated glasses. Got into contacts, but even those always bothered me because they were always too dry or they'd just irritate me. I finally went back to glasses because nothing in the world, including good haircuts and contacts, could give me true happiness, so I embraced the birth control glasses and wore them anyway. Well, tonight I really am glad I wear glasses, because while I was deep frying some beef (all kinds of wrong anyway), I walked towards the pan and I could actually see the oil spurt out at me, big enough for me to try to dodge it. Well, dodge it I didn't, got a hot gob of oil on my arm, one on my forehead, and three gobs of hot oil on my glasses, where my left eye would've gotten it. So screw the dorkiness of my glasses - they saved my sight. I'm sure I would be fine if it actually burned my eye, but still.

Am watching the baby this weekend again, probably indefinitely for the rest of my weekends while the wife works. He's been pretty good - didn't realize that he ate and went potty so much. Baby's built like a pipe. Retains nothing, or at least just enough to make poop. I slept with him in the other room last night, so that my wife could get a good nights sleep after the inconsiderate neighbors had their music once again. I'm sorta glad that I have this time to bond with him, even though I'm getting absolutely no editing done at all. I think the more time I spend with him, the easier the parenting part is.

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