Saturday, September 02, 2006

How to Make Me Angry

Put me behind the keyboard of a PC running XP. Goddamnit, nothing makes you appreciate a Mac until you get on a PC. Then it's like, "Oh, that's why."

Just tried to get a bunch of photos from my phone that I downloaded to the PC onto the Mac. Tried Networking, tried a direct Firewire line, even tried FTPing the photos to a tripod site, and the PC was threatening to take my first born for it.

Ultimately I just uploaded all the pics onto Twango.

Even Twango has drag and drop, you bastards.


YAY YAY!! dude, i feel like a kid who walked into a candy store with like a 100 bucks. I come check out your blog and you have like a billion new entries, and funny stuff too.. was that conversation between zoe and alex real?? are they really that talkative these days??!! god, time flies... and I had comments for all the other things i read too, it was intereting stuff but my thoughts arent collected enough at the moment. I got my 8MM movie back in personal im so happy news, cant wait to upload an edit of that, it looks so sweet. anyway, keep the awesome updates flowing! (i enjoy the new formats (like movie script looking stuff--- nice!), although the videoblog is cheating, thats really oldskool... its funnyshizat but you need to upload new videos content for your media hungry fans! hehe)
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