Almost at the end of the day here, and we do have better news. We did the ultrasound at UW Medical Center and the Radiologist didn't see any physical "Soft" evidence of any of the symptoms of Trisomy 18. They looked at the heart, lungs, spine, head, and every little bone in that little baby body, even to see if the hands were open or closed. As far as she could tell, everything was about 80% sure that the baby looked normal.
With the genetic counseling as well, she explained that because of my wife's predetermined age and the blood test results, her risks were 1 in 40. But with the ultrasound results now, the odds have reduced down to 1 in 200 chance that our baby will have Trisomy 18. Although there are no physical evidence of it, it can be missed at times, or it could be a neurological version of it, which cannot be determined by ultrasound. But by then, my wife and I were comfortable enough with the odds not to do an amnio.
Which is a little ironic, considering that the risk of complication from an amnio resulting in miscarriage is 1 in 200, which we're not comfortable with at all - but the risk of Trisomy 18 is the same odds, and we're completely fine with that. We're obviously still a little worried, but we're going ahead with the pregnancy. The ultrasound did show that her placenta was a little low, which meant that vaginal birth might not be viable, but my wife didn't seem too bothered by that.
But it's certainly a game of odds, having a baby. I hope nobody has to go through the anxiety of wondering if the odds will be in their favor, but we are sure grateful for the support that we've received, and the well wishes and prayers that have been coming our way. Peanut is very happy too! The radiologist was remarking at the number of times Peanut turned completely around in her little space - while my wife felt nothing.
By the way, we're having a little girl!
Hence, the worrying begins. I've already picked out a shotgun to fend off all the guys.