Well, I was enormously dissatisfied with my newly minted DVD this morning. Turns out it took a day and a half to encode, and only 14 minutes to burn to DVD. Imagine that. Anyway, there are a lot of digital artifacts on the footage. My wife and Maralise didn't think it was a very big deal, but it bothered me a lot because like I said to them, I wouldn't even put my own home movies on there. So, I'm trying an alternate way to burn them, and it's encoding now. Except it looks like it should be done in about 6 hours, instead of the day and a half deal.
This evening, while we were enjoying Thursday night television and everything NBC had to offer, Alex let out a BURP that actually startled me and made my wife jump. It was the loudest burp I've ever heard, and I've heard some people let go some stellar ones. My wife and I couldn't stop laughing about it. The greatest thing was that Alex actually looked around quite a bit trying to found out what made that noise. Silly boy!
I'll have some pictures up soon once this DVD thing blows over, I swear. It's been too long since I've posted some pics!
I'm probably saying this partially because my wife is going to read this in about a minute, but I'm trying to flirt with her more again, showering her with barroom compliments akin to discarded pick-up lines like, "So, tell me... How do you get so beautiful?" It's cheesey as hell, but it makes her happy, and that makes me happy. I think that now that my weddings are starting to get done, I'm really feeling the weight starting to lift off me. It feels really nice to suddenly have free time again.
Last night I dreamt a weird dream. We were shooting a movie, and somehow Cody was involved, and somewhat I was either acting in it or directing it too. You know dreams, you're constantly being displaced in other bodies at your liking. So anyway, the scene was basically tear through a barricaded doorway, drag a woman down the stairs and plunge an axe into her or something.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Cody was involved.
So anyway, the dream is weird because I'm like thinking about how funny it would be if the killer would look through the barricaded stuff and get poked in the eye or something, stupid stuff like that. The actress had frizzy hair, and could or could not have been Mary Elizabeth Mastriatonio, the girl who was Miriam in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner. And the guy killer, for some odd reason, was the older brother of TV's Blossom. You know, the teenage girl on NBC in the early nineties. The older brother was the one who wasn't Joey Lawrence (Whoa!) and had Very Special Episodes of his drinking problem. So, he was in my movie, and there was some discussion at some point that no, he wasn't the guy from Blossom, he was a guy with a wife and two kids... and then I woke up.
This is why I have to write movies, or else these dreams will drive me batty.