My wife and I don't fight a lot.
Maybe it's the lack of things to fight about, really. We get along rather infamously because we are easygoing folk, and neither of us are really interested in controlling the other, or even being dominant or taking charge too much. Although it does lead to a fair amount of indecision about a lot of things, it has also given us freedom in doing a lot of things, and being open about a lot of situations.
I am regretful to say that we are not going to be the ones who are able to dispel the myth that babies don't change the dynamics of relationships. They do, and in the biggest possible way. I cannot imagine people who have babies in order to maintain relationships, because it has the complete opposite effect.
We love our son a lot, and his cute, limped-neck, chubby-cheeked, little angel has managed to wedge himself square in the middle of our love utopia, and last night we had an emotional blowout at 4 in the morning.
It was one of those fights that were mostly misunderstanding, but it had been building steam for the past week. All the stress about feedings, sleep depravation, diapers, and relatives being weird -- it all balled up into a big emotional meltdown. My wife told me that she was afraid that we might drift, so we're gonna have to make some real time for us. Alex needs us, but he'll need us to be a loving couple too, because then he'll see how cool we are and how in love we are.
Our daughter had some cramping this morning at 7:30, about 2 and a half hours after I went to bed, and she was in such severe pain that my wife had to drive her to the hospital. Turned out to be nothing, went away after she checked in, but it was quite surreal after 2 and a half hours of sleep, to have someone in incredible pain lying next to you while you're holding a baby and trying to be somewhat coherent.
But today has been a better day, we've been consciously turning away stress at the door. Just joking around today and having some fun talking about stuff. My wife and I were talking about how we would rock at charades, because our minds have somehow become a giant unit of phrases. Today, while we were grocery shopping, we passed by the potatoes and both said, at the same time, "We still got like a bunch of potatoes left in the fridge."
Thus confirming that we couldn't be apart ever because we wouldn't be able to finish a sentence.
Alex got another bath today. Boy, can he scream bloody murder. But now he smells fresher and I gave him a parting like his Daddy, with a little swirl of "superman" hair in front. LL Cool A. Points if you know what that means.