Saturday, September 24, 2005


Roller Coasting

I have to say that parenthood can be a doozy at times. Some days you're just so happy that the kids are getting along, you're having a good, fun day with them, and they're happy, joyous beams of sunlight. And some other days, you just want to point at your privates with an accusing finger, take a cleaver, and yell, "This is all your damn fault, Peter. Now you pay."

Like I told my wife before, I would never cheat on her and have other children because I don't think I could raise another baby. I love my kids a ton, I do, but parenthood is really a tough gig. Some people I think are better at it than others - I observe other parents and think that they're so damn serene and calming about the whole thing, and wonder if I'm doing a good job myself.

Today's events were pretty much stemming from the fact that both kids neglected to have proper naps in the afternoon. Zoe took an extremely short 45 minute nap, and the boy just decided he wasn't tired. What that meant was that at 6:30pm, the fuses on both babies run out and the little implosions start first, then followed by totally unreasonable crankiness. I couldn't put them to sleep much earlier fearing it might create a chain-reaction, leading to nobody getting any sleep or work done.

There have been days when the kids and I have just a ton of fun, playing all day, having wrestling matches, playing poker, smoking illegal substances - just good, clean fun. And I always mean to write about those days, but due to all that weed my brain gets a little vacant, so I don't blog on those days. Instead, it takes a really craptastic night to get me to blog. Oh well. I love my kids a lot, though. If anyone out there knows of a drug that stuns growth, or at least accelerates past the teenage years, I have good money for you.

So, doing a lot of buying these days, in the guise of providing equipment for the business. Really, it's related, but it sure is fun playing with my new cell phone, watching things on my portable DVD player, and listening to my iRiver. Now if I could just convince myself that Plasma TV is a must for editing...

Well, bedtime for me. Gotta allocate time for my wife to read this, you know. She lives for this.

Sad wife

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Damn I like my new cell phone.

Monday, September 19, 2005

A Fair Day at the Fair

For family who's reading it, please don't mention it to my mother-in-law, because we went to the Puyallup Fair, which is just in her neighborhood, but the kids were too tired to visit her, so we skipped the visitation. Thanks!

We were trying to decide on a good day to go to the fair, and we since Friday was the only day my wife and I had off, that would be a good day after all. We went to Fry's Electronics first, which is this huge freakin' electronics store that houses tons of cool stuff, although it did get a little smaller in selection since the first time I went. They didn't carry the high end video cameras anymore and their Mac section looked ransacked. But their inventory is a sight to behold. I didn't pick up a portable DVD player from there, since they were asking so 149.99 for it. I picked up an external firewire drive, which I will return later because I found another cheaper online.

After Fry's, we made the way to the Fair and forked out money for the admission. It would be the first of many times - the fair has a way of marking up a lot of things and getting away with it. ($2.75 for water! You Freaks!) We walked around, doing people watching, Alex got onto some kiddie rides (though Zoe was too short and young for the rides), Zoe got antagonized by a bleahing sheep, just normal fair stuff. The pictures speak volumes over anything I write anyway, so here's the photos from the fair.

My wife actually has never been on a cable car before. She's barely used to living out from underneath her rock. So we went. Zoe slept through the whole thing. My wife got a slight concussion entering the cable car, so she doesn't remember most of it.

Zoe bangs on some drum sculpture thingie.

Alex does the same.

I think he's having fun. He's smiling inside.

Mommy, there's a politically incorrect ride staring at me.

Soft, like a big sheep.

Yay, comb-over!

The fair has its blessings.

I'm the captain of my starship and I like it.

I fell asleep because Daddy's captions are that boring.

End transmission.